In the congregation, there are activities for all age groups, including worship services, children’s and youth groups, Bible study groups, associations, prayer groups, and morning gatherings. Feel free to check our calendar to see what’s happening. (Kalender)
For us, mission work is an important part of our activities. We are affiliated with the Norwegian Lutheran Mission, which conducts mission work in Africa, Asia, and South America. The Norwegian Lutheran Mission has about 120 missionaries in the field at any given time, many of whom work in areas where traditional mission work is not possible. We find it very enjoyable and exciting to be part of this work.
Misjonssalen Mandal also has a close collaboration with Preg Barnehager Ime AS and NLM Gjenbruken Mandal, which we help to operate.
At Misjonssalen Mandal, we aim to base all our work on the Bible. We regard the Bible as God’s true word to us and see it as crucial for what we believe and how we live. Like other Lutheran churches and organizations, we are based on the Evangelical Lutheran confession. Here you can find more about our beliefs.
If you need any further assistance or specific details, feel free to ask!